Player Information


  1. ActiveKids $50 Discount Voucher
  2. Registration Forms
  3. Online Registrations
  4. Registration / Information Days
  5. Referee Courses
  6. Working With Children Requirements
  7. Team Grading and Information Days – U/6 to U/16
  8. Registration Requirements
  9. Senior Team Refereeing Requirements
  10. International Transfers
  11. Fees
  12. New Players in U/6 to U/9 Age Groups
  13. Dual-Registration
  14. Contacts
  15. Insurance

Active Kids $50 Discount Voucher

All junior players between the ages of 4.5 and 18 and who are eligible for the $50 sports discount voucher from the NSW Government ActiveKids scheme can apply the voucher at registration time.

Once your application has been entered with the correct information, you will receive your voucher number.

Then to apply the voucher to your MVFC registration you can register on PlayFootball and enter the voucher where indicated on the Invoicing screen, for $50 to be deducted from the fee payable.

Remember to have the ActiveKids voucher number prior to registering on PlayFootball.

Registration Forms

2025 MWFA Registration Form
Required for all players registering for U/12 age group or above, who did not play for an MWFA club in the 2024 winter season.

Online Registrations 2025

Registrations are now open for all age groups U/6 up to O/45 for the Saturday competition and W-7 up to W-40 for the Sunday (girls only) competitions.

Go to the PlayFootball website to register. 

#####     Returning players and officials – if you see a screen stating that you do not have a current participant account with PlayFootball, make sure you click on the link to create an account, as this should link up to your previous account from the old system. 

When searching for your previous account, enter your first name, last name and date of birth ONLY – anything more may cause the search to not work.   #####

##### Parents registering children – create your account first (link to your previous account as per the above), then log out from PlayFootball. Next, log back in and start entering the registrations for each of the children.    #####

All player and officials registrations for the 2025 season must be completed online.

Online registration is the quick and easy way to register to play – no having to attend registration day, fill in paper forms and wait in queues to complete your registration. It takes about 10 minutes to complete, at a time convenient to you.

For information on how to register on the PlayFootball system, refer to the Online Registration Resources below.  All players will need to create a PlayFootball account online, then can register with MVFC.

Mastercard and Visa credit card fee payments are accepted on the PF site.

Note that online registrations will not be accepted until full fees are paid.

Note that the online fees have the early-bird discount already included in them, for those registering and paying by 2nd February.

Registration / Information day

Our registration/information day will be held :

  • Sunday 2nd February
  • Location: Manly Vale Public School, Sunshine Street, Manly Vale
    (enter via Sunshine St)
  • Times: 11:00am to 3:00pm

On this day you can purchase playing gear and MVFC promotional products, and players who are not able to register online can complete their registrations.

Referee Courses

Referee Courses for Mini-Roos (U/6 to U/11), Juniors (U/12 to U/16) and Seniors (Team Referees)

Refer to the Referee Courses page.

Working With Children Requirements

Working With Children Requirements for Team Officials:

All team officials (Coaches, Managers, Trainers, etc) please refer to the Working With Children page.

Team Grading and Information Days

Team orientation and grading day information can be found on the grading page.

Registration Requirements:

To register with Manly Vale FC there are a few things to attend to. Please read this information page carefully and refer to the chart below…

All players will be required to register online.

Returning players moving to U10 and above or Girls Under 10 and above for the first time will need to provide proof of age and a passport-type digital photo (or have a photo taken at the club Information Day).

ALL new players from U/10 and above will need to provide a new passport-type digital photo, uploaded to the PF system when registering to play.  In future years, a new photo will be required for all new players U/10 and above, and existing players will need to provide a new photo every 2 years (up to U/21 age), or 3-5 years (seniors).

Proof of age will be required for players moving to over 35s, over 45s, over 30s or over 40s for the first time.

Proof of ID will be required for all new players U/10 age and above (copy of Passport or Birth Certificate).

Players registering in the U/12 age group or above, and who did not play for an MWFA club in the previous season, will need to complete an MWFA Registration form (available through the link above).

New Players: Please refer to the following table:

PF online registration required

Passport-type digital photo requiredCopy of Proof of age required – if you have not played in an age-restricted MWFA competition previouslyMWFA Rego form required – if did not play for an MWFA club in the 2018 season.
Juniors (Mixed)Under 6 through U9YesNoYes (sighting only)No
Juniors (mixed)Under 10 and
Under 11
Youth (Mixed)Under 12 through U16YesYesYesYes
Senior MenU18 and U21YesYesYesYes
Premier leagueYesYesYesYes
AL Div 1 to Div 9YesYesYesYes
Over 35, Over 45YesYesYesYes
Junior LadiesLadies 8 and 9YesNoYes No
Junior LadiesLadies 10 and
Ladies 11
YesYesYes No
Youth LadiesLadies 12 though 16YesYesYesYes
Senior LadiesLadies 18 & 21YesYesYesYes
Ladies PL, Div 1 to Div 6YesYesYesYes
Ladies Over 35YesYesYesYes

Note: Age groups are defined by the age the player turns in the current calendar year. For example, if a player turns 14 in the current year, then that player’s age group is Under 14. For girls competitions the ages shown above refer to the same definition (so “Ladies 12” means “Ladies Under 12”, etc).

Senior Team Refereeing Requirements

For All Age Mens teams in Divisions 2 & below and all Over 35 and Over 45 Mens teams, each team must have nominated two or more qualified Referees. If these names are not included, the team will not be registered. It is each team’s responsibility to ensure that at least two team representatives attend the MWFRA referees course to complete their qualifications. Course dates can be found here.

International Transfers

Senior players who last played overseas (even if not for an associated competition) need to complete an International Transfer Application – when registering online you must state that you last played overseas and provide the required details. Also ensure that you completely and correctly fill in the MWFA Registration questions via the form above. Failure to provide these details at registration time will delay your registration.

Junior and Youth players (U/10 to U/18 age groups) who last played overseas (even if not for an associated competition) need to complete an International Transfer Application – when registering online you must state that you last played overseas and provide the required details. Also ensure that you completely and correctly fill in the MWFA Registration questions via the form above. As well, please contact the registrar immediately after registration for further requirements. Failure to provide these details at registration time will delay your registration.

Junior and Youth players (U/10 to U/18 age groups) who have not played in an Australian association previously, and who do not have an Australian Proof-of-Age document (Australian birth certificate or passport) may also need to complete additional paperwork for the registration process. Please ensure that you completely and correctly fill in the MWFA Registration questions via the form above. Also, please contact the registrar immediately after registration for further requirements. Failure to provide these details at registration time will delay your registration.


Fees for the 2025 Season:

Age GroupFees
Under 6 to Under 9$253
Under 10 to Under 11$259
Under 12$283
Under 13 to Under 15$292
Under 16$301
Under 18 (Division 1 play Friday nights)$346.50
Under 21 (play Friday nights)$447
Men’s Premier League$563
Men’s AL/1$514
Women’s Premier League$504
Amateur League Divisions 2-9$445
Over 35, Over 45$445
Women’s Amateur League Divisions 1-9$445
Women’s Over 35, Over 40$445

New Players in U/6 to U/9 Age Groups

Players who are new to Manly Vale Football Club and who are registering in the U/6 to U/9 age groups, receive a $50 discount off the full (non-early bird) fee. For new players registering on PlayFootball, ensure you select the “New Players” registration package option to receive this discount.

Note that new U/6 to U/9 players cannot claim the “Early-bird” discount as their fees are already discounted.


Dual-Registration applies to girls and women who are registering to play in both the Saturday Mixed and Sunday Ladies competitions.

To dual-register, when registering to play on PlayFootball, select the Saturday Mixed age group as your primary registration, then contact the club Age Coordinator for the relevant Sunday competition for information on paying the additional dual-registration fee.


Age Group Group coordinator Mobile and email
Sub-Juniors Under 6 through Under 9 Andrew Boyce02 9994 8005
Juniors and Youth (Mixed)Under 10 through Under 16Dan Duran0412 205 927
Junior and Youth GirlsUnder 10 through Under 16 Andrew Boyce02 9994 8005
Senior LadiesO/30 and O/40Rob da Silva0403 222 128
LadiesUnder 18, AL, WPLRob da Silva0403 222 128
Senior Men Under 18 and AL Terry Gatward 0404 863 071
Senior MenPLMax Rowland0426 026 061
Over 35 Men Over 35 and Over 45 Terry Gatward 0404 863 071
General Enquiries
(call your age coordinator first)
Peter Auld 0402 012 149


The MWFA registration includes being covered by their policy – more details can be found at – .